Monday, 31 October 2011

How to start DB, OID and ODSM

This post describes the procedure to start DB, OID and ODSM.

To start DB, follow the steps in the order given below:

1. Set the environment variables (if they are not already set) by executing the below commands:
    a. export ORACLE_HOME = /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1. Path of the base directory of database
    b. export PATH = /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin: $PATH.  The bin  directory of ORACLE_HOME
    c. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib. The lib folder of ORACLE_HOME
    d. export ORACLE_SID=orcl. Database SID
PS: All these variables can be permanently set in the session by writing these commands to ".profile" file of the unix user.
2. Start the database listener by executing the below command:
    a. lsnrctl start
3. After starting the listener, login to idle instance of database by executing:
    a. sqlplus / as sysdba
4. Start the database instance by executing
    a. startup

You have successfully started the database now. 

The next step is to start OID. In 11g, OID has ODSM which is GUI similar to "Oracle Directory Manager" in 10g version. You can just start OID process using OPMN and start working with out ODSM as ODSM is only a GUI interface provided by Oracle.

Steps to Start OID using OPMN
1. Set the environment variables required to start OID by executing the below commands:
    a. export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1. Path of the base directory of Oracle Internet Directory
    b. export ORACLE_INSTANCE=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1. Path of the instance directory created while installation
    c. export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin:$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin:$PATH. 
    d. export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_INSTANCE/config
PS: Make sure the first directory of PATH variable is always bin directory of ORACLE_HOME as defined above. You might get errors while executing ldap commands if this is not maintained.
2. Start OID by executing
    a. opmnctl startall
You can check the status of OID by executing opmnctl status to verify if the status is Alive i.e., if OID is started.
You have started OID successfully. You can start working with OID now.

(Optional) The next step is to start ODSM i.e., Weblogic Managed Server. To start with you have to start Weblogic Admin Server.

Steps to start Web logic Admin and Managed Server
1. To start Weblogic Admin Server, Navigate to <WLS_DOMAIN>/bin directory and execute:
    a. ./startWeblogic
2. To start Managed Server, Navigate to <WLS_DOMAIN>/bin directory and execute:
   a. ./startManagedWeblogic <Managed_Server_Name> <Admin_Server_URL>

PS: If you get an error "Unable to get lock on "WLS_<>.DAT" file while starting Admin or Managed Server, Delete the ".DAT" files from the "<WLS_DOMAIN>/servers/<Admin or Managed>/data/store/default" and "<WLS_DOMAIN>/servers/<Admin or Managed>/data/store/diagnostics" directories and try restarting the server.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Configuration of OID

After installation you should configure OID. Follow the steps given below:
1. Browse to <Oracle_Home>/bin directory and execute

2. Select “Create New Domain” and enter the credentials and name of the domain to be created. Click Next to continue

3. Specify Weblogic sever directory, Oracle Instance location and Instance Name. Click Next to continue

4. Select the components to be configured

5. Select appropriate option to configure ports of OID

6. Select Create Schema and provide the connection details of Database.
PS: If you have already created schema using RCU, select "Use Existing Schema"

7. Enter the password of the schema owner. Click Next to continue

8. Specify OID realm, OID admin password and click Next to continue

9. Verify the installation summary. Click configure

10. Configuration progress

11. Installation complete. Click Finish to exit.

You have successfully installed and configured OID. Click here to see how to start DB, OID and ODSM

OID Patch Installation

1. Download the patch from the metalink site.
2. Browse to Disk1 of patch installer directory, execute runInstaller. Click Next to continue

3. Specify the Middleware home and Oracle home directory of previous installation. Click Next to continue

4. Verify the details and click on Install

5. Installation Complete. Click finish to exit.

OID Installation

In OID installation, you can create the database schema either by using RCU or by opting for create schema while installation. We are going to install OID without using RCU here.We will install version first, then update the software to and configure OID.

1. Download the software from the link provided in the first post.
2. Browse to Disk1 of the installer directory and execute "runInstaller". Click next to continue the installation

3. Select ‘Install Software –Do Not Configure’. We will configure after installation of patch.

4. Setup will check the prerequisites. Click on Next.

5. Specify Middleware Home and Oracle Home directory location

6. Verify the installation details and click Install to install the software

7. Installation in progress. Click Finish on completion

                                                                              OID Installation 

DB 11g Installation

  1. Browse to installer directory and execute runInstaller.
  2. Select ‘Create and configure a database’ Click Next

  3. Select ‘Server Class’ and click Next

   4. As it is not cluster installation, select ‘Single instance database installation’ and click Next.

   5. Select ‘Advanced Install’, click Next.

   6. Select Enterprise Edition and click Next

   7. Specify the Oracle Base and Oracle Home directory location

   8. Specify Inventory directory location and oraInventory group name

   9. Specify global database name and SID of database

   10. Specify the character set of the DB to Unicode. Click Next
PS: Default character set might be different from Unicode. This is a prerequisite for OID installation

   11. Specify the database file location for database storage, Click Next

   12. Verify the installation summary and Click Finish

   13. Installation started. First the installer will copy and extract the necessary files and then setup will start.

   14. Installation in progress. Click on Password Management, when prompted if you want to change password/unlock the users.


15. After installation is successful, you will be prompted to execute two shell scripts as "root"


16. Installation is successful.